Image of Luke's Witness to Jesus Christ


Luke's Witness to Jesus Christ

This volume completes World Christian Books' series of simple introductions to the Gospels. Professor Fuller assumes a little knowledge of the subject (readers of this volume will profit more from it, if they have already read Professor Lohse's Mark's Witness to Jesus Christ in the same series), and goes straight on to the questions: What kind of a Gospel has Luke written for us? From where did he get his information? What are his subjects of special interest? What kind of a picture of Jesus Christ is it his intention to draw? The book cannot be read without close attention to the New Testament. Any reader who reads it as it should be read will end up with a good general understanding of the structure and purpose of what has been called the most beautiful book in the world. Professor Reginald H. Fuller is an English New Testament scholar who is now active in the United States as Professor of New Testament at Seabury Western Theological Seminary, Evanston, Illinois. The interpretation of the Gospels is the field of his special competence. In addition to his own writing, he has proved himself a brilliant translator from the German, and has done much to make the writings of Professor Bultmann known in the English-speaking world. His translation of Bultmann's Primitive Christianity proved an immediate best-seller.


4062226.407 Ful lAvailable

Detail Information

Series Title
World Christian Books No.26
Call Number
226.407 Ful l
Publisher United Society for Christian Literature Lutterwoth Press : London.,
79hlm: 12x18,5cm
Content Type
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Carrier Type
Cetakan 3
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Statement of Responsibility

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