APA Style
LaSor, William Sanford, Hubbard, David Allan, Bush, Frederic William. (1991).
Old Testament Survey: The Message, From, and Background of the Old Testament .
Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Wm.B. Eerdmans Pub.Co..
Chicago Style
LaSor, William Sanford, Hubbard, David Allan, Bush, Frederic William.
Old Testament Survey: The Message, From, and Background of the Old Testament.
Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Wm.B. Eerdmans Pub.Co.,
MLA Style
LaSor, William Sanford, Hubbard, David Allan, Bush, Frederic William.
Old Testament Survey: The Message, From, and Background of the Old Testament.
Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Wm.B. Eerdmans Pub.Co.,
Turabian Style
LaSor, William Sanford, Hubbard, David Allan, Bush, Frederic William.
Old Testament Survey: The Message, From, and Background of the Old Testament.
Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Wm.B. Eerdmans Pub.Co.,