APA Style

Vincent, Marvin R.. (1989). Word Studies in The New Testament: (I) The Synoptic Gospels; (II) The Writings of John . Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm.B. Eerdmans Pub.Co..

Chicago Style

Vincent, Marvin R.. Word Studies in The New Testament: (I) The Synoptic Gospels; (II) The Writings of John. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm.B. Eerdmans Pub.Co., 1989. Referensi.

MLA Style

Vincent, Marvin R.. Word Studies in The New Testament: (I) The Synoptic Gospels; (II) The Writings of John. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm.B. Eerdmans Pub.Co., 1989. Referensi.

Turabian Style

Vincent, Marvin R.. Word Studies in The New Testament: (I) The Synoptic Gospels; (II) The Writings of John. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm.B. Eerdmans Pub.Co., 1989. Referensi.